"High Anxiety" is a hilarious Mel Brooks film which spoofs several mystery and suspense films, particularly those of Alfred Hitchcock. The story is hilarious, as may be the comedic acting. Mel Brooks plays Dr. Richard H. Thorndyke, a successful psychiatrist who's been appointed to just work at the Psychosomatic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous in Los Angeles. Cloris Leachman is also great because the psychotic Nurse Diesel, as is Harvey Korman as a ridiculous doctor at the institute and Howard Morris as Professor Littloldman, Richard's mentor, who cures him of his "high anxiety" - extreme anxiety about heights. escorts Brisbane
The movie begins with Dr. Thorndyke arriving at the Los Angeles Airport. Since he features a tremedous anxiety about heights, he finds she must relieve himself in the air sickness bag. He has two scary adventures before leaving the airport and comments, "Just what a dramatic airport!" Brisbane Escorts
After arriving, he's escorted aboard a coach to the Psychosomatic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous. There he meets Dr. Charles Montague (Korman) and Nurse Diesel (Leachman), who find yourself killing Dr. Wentworth, head of the institute, and which makes it look like an accident. He also meets his old colleague Prof. Littloldman (Korman), who discovers his anxiety about heights, diagnoses him with "high anxiety", and tries to cure him of it.
Thorndyke travels to San Francisco and stays at the Hyatt Regency, where he speaks at a psychiatric convention. He features a couple misadventures there, including being attacked by the bellboy with a newspaper and being pooped on in Golden Gate Park with a swarming flock of pigeons. He also meets Victoria Brisbane (Kahn), a young woman who's looking to get her father released from the institute after being wrongfully diagnosed. Click here
At a vital moment, Dr. Thorndyke becomes cured of his high anxiety after nearly falling to death from a loose step in a large tower after Prof. Littloldman explains to him that he's afraid of parents, not heights. The film ends happily, with Dr. Thorndyke marrying Victoria.
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